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Что такое UNIVERSAL Credit?
UNIVERSAL credits — это платежи от государства. Если вы несете ответственность как минимум за одного ребенка, который...
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Who is eligible for sick leave?

Employees may take time off from work if they become ill. They must provide proof to their employer if they are sick for more than 7 days. If they fall ill just before or during holidays, they can take sick leave instead.

Employees must provide their employer with a "health certificate" from a doctor (sometimes called a "sick leave") if they are ill for more than 7 days in a row and take sick leave. This includes non-business days such as weekends and holidays.

If employees self-isolate and are unable to work due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), they can get an "isolation certificate" online from NHS 111. They do not need to go to their doctor or hospital.
Certificates from a doctor are issued free of charge if the employee is ill for more than 7 days.

If employees are off work for 7 days or less, they do not need to provide their employer with a health certificate or other proof of illness from a healthcare professional.

When they return to work, the employer may ask the employee to confirm that they were ill. This is called "self-certification". The employer and employee agree on how the employee should do this. They may need to fill out a form or email sick leave information.

Sick leave and vacation

The statutory leave entitlement accrues when an employee is absent from work due to illness (regardless of how long the employee is absent).

Any statutory holiday entitlement not used due to illness may be carried over to the next holiday year. If an employee falls ill immediately before or during a holiday, he can take it as sick leave.

An employee may also be asked to take paid leave when they are absent from work due to illness.

Employers cannot force employees to take annual leave if they are eligible for sick leave.

Prolonged illness

Workers who are out of work due to sickness for more than 4 weeks may be considered long-term sick. A long-term sick employee is still entitled to annual leave.

Dismissing a long-term ill employee

As a last resort, employers may terminate a worker who is long-term ill, but before they can do so, employers must:
Consider whether the employee can return to work, such as flexible or part-time work, other or less strenuous work (with training if needed).
Consult with employees about when they can return to work and whether their health will improve.
An employee can go to labour court if they believe they were unfairly dismissed.

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